Baybay: Modern Baybayin Learning App for Android

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Baybay: Modern baybayin (B20+) learning app

Last updated on Apr 10, 2024: Added Firebase Cloud Messaging to improve the app functionality.

🎮 To download the newest version of the app, simply follow these steps:

    1. Click the button above to begin the process.

    2. You'll be navigated to a Google Drive folder..

    3. Select the "Download button to proceed to the last step".

    4. Hit the "Download anyway" button and wait the completeion of the download. Install and enjoy the app.

🤖 Made for School Project Only

We've just launched the release version! 🚀 While we've put our heart into it, we want to be upfront—like any adventure, there might be a few bugs along the way, and it might not look perfect on every device. 🤷‍♂️ But hey, perfection is overrated, right? Let's make this journey together! Enjoy the app and its quirks! 🎉✨


Version Changes
3.4.3 Full chart module sound effect and Learn module submenu arrangement fixes. Added Firebase Analytics.
3.3.2 Added a progress indicator and swipe gesture in "Rules" section, re-arranged info in "Introduction", and small bug fixes.
3.2.1 Added a new "About App" section and implemented a dynamic theme color on the dialog background.
3.1.0 Background music and theme color selection is now available.
2.7.1 Addressed minor linguistic adjustments. Also, redesigned the settings dialog.
Addressed minor linguistic adjustments based on user feedback.
Direct link to check for latest app version.
Gameplay voice clips update and quiz scoreboard fixes.
Legacy texture update.
New sound manager service.
Added narration on lesson baybayin origin.
UI Revamp and added new features.
Fixed guide sub menus; can be press more than once.
Added new content in lesson rules.
Match game fixes and new app icon.
Added new content in lesson rules.
1.1.0 Added toast pop-up cancel event.

✨ Purpose

Learn to read, write, and play with modern baybayin (B20+), the ancient Philippine script, through this engaging mobile app. Discover curated online resources, skill tests, and memory games designed for all. Enjoy stress-free learning at your own pace, while enhancing memory and cognitive skills. Connect with a community of Baybayin enthusiasts and become inspired with local arts and merchandise – all on your mobile device! Download now and embrace your cultural heritage in a fun and accessible way.

Keywords: Baybayin, Philippine culture, mobile learning, games, memory, community, heritage

🎓 Attributions

1. Music:

2️. Sound Effects:

3️. Graphics:

4️. Other Software:

5️. Text Materials:

6️. Others: